Who are we?
We are a charitable organization of individuals working in the property and casualty insurance industry. We are company executives, underwriters, claims adjusters, appraisers, contractors, engineers, lawyers, accountants, trainers and more. We meet outside of the work environment, without distinction or belonging to a particular sector. Our mutual bond is our shared career experiences in our chosen field.
Our formal name is the Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, Intl— Quebec Pond. While we all have our reasons for giving time to Blue Goose, each member endorses the principles that define our mission: Character, Charity and Fellowship.
Our involvement translates into the organization of annual events, such as the Lobster Night (held in May), the Oyster Night (held in October) and the Golf Tournament (held in August). These events contribute directly to the primary mission of the Québec Pond, which is to raise funds to give as much as possible to organizations and people in need. The members of the board of directors target organizations that do not receive any subsidies and disadvantaged people. Thanks to your partnership and participation, our Pond annually gives $25,000 to $100,000 between September and December, which alleviates the financial pressures faced by some at that time of year.
We are a large community linked by our interests, our experience, our activities, and our feelings. The nature of our community is something bigger, more intimate than a business association or networking groups. We are real friends.
Our events obviously allow the various stakeholders in the insurance industry to meet, interact, establish new contacts, and strengthen professional ties and, above all, have fun while contributing to various causes.
Anyone in the property and casualty insurance industry can become a member of the Blue Goose. We thus have a diverse representation: and this is one of our strengths. Members wishing to get involved in our Pond can do so on a voluntary basis by sending us their comments and suggestions or simply by getting involved in one of our committees. In a relaxed atmosphere, the Pond provides members with a place to take the pulse of their industry. Contact us and you might find an opportunity to join us. It is even more certain that you will find in us: Character, Charity and Fellowship.
You will certainly find a friendly group where a place is reserved for you, join us!
History of the Quebec Pond
The Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, Intl was founded in 1906 on the shores of Green Lake, Wisconsin for the state’s annual meeting of fire insurance representatives. Originally, membership was restricted to fire representatives, executives, and underwriters, but today the order has nearly 6,000 members in Canada and the United States; all involved in the various fields of activity of the property and casualty insurance industry.
It is easy to understand why the Order does not wish to limit itself to a specific group of individuals in the industry since its fundamental principles are: Character, Charity and Fellowship. Its ultimate goal is to bring together all those who, directly or indirectly, are part of the enormous network of people working and within the insurance industry. The Québec Pond donates $25,000 to $100,000 annually to various organizations and people in need selected by its members and, as such, remains an important charitable foundation. The Québec Pond was founded in 1914. It currently has about 200 members and is constantly striving to increase its membership.
Stay Informed of Our News
L’Envol is our newsletter, published twice a year. We include our volunteer activities, events, donations, photos and various articles from our partners. We encourage everyone to send us their anecdotes demonstrating our fundamental principles in practice, which we love to share!
Executive Committee
Vincent A. Malouin
- Exactitude – Évaluation en bâtiment après sinistre
- 514 781-3444
- exactitude@videotron.ca
Éric Demers
Custodian of the Gosling – Web Committee
- Steamatic Lanaudière et Laval
- 514 781-9153
- eric.demers@steamatic.ca
Philippe Lefebvre
Guardian of the Nest – Finance Committee
- Déry Barrette
- 1-873-500-2662
- philippe.lefebvre@derybarrette.ca
Ludovic Gorup
Keeper of the Goose Egg
Volunteer Committee
- Solution Groupe DC
- 514 881-7979
- 514 229-1402
- ludovic.gorup@groupedc.net
Jacques Cuierrier
- Cuierrier et associés inc.
- 450 964-9394 #112
- 514 231-0404
- jacques@cuierrier.com
Sylvie St-Amour
- Herbes au Soleil
- 450 357-4551
- sylviepatate@hotmail.com
Diane Loyer
PMLG – Past Most Loyal Gander
- Philippe Loyer & associés évaluateurs-estimateurs inc.
- 450 681-5559
- 514 605-0135
- diane@philippeloyer.com
Guy Charron
PMLGG – Past Most Loyal Grand Gander
- Entreprise
- Telephone